Mathematics for All !!!

The Project Objectives
Mathematics for All !!! is a European Union Erasmus Project for Youth which was held in between 8th and 15th of March 2014 in Ankara, Turkey for the first time. The youth participants from several EU countries were get involved in this project. This project is a candidate to be a life-long journey as the number Pi tends to go infinity... It is planned to make the anniversary every year as a celebration of the day of Pi on the 14th of March, See you next year somewhere!!!
Watch the video of the announcement of Mathematics for All !!!
We would like to thank all our participants and supporters before, during and after the project ends. As a part of the project, we asked All !!! to join in our project with some pictures or paintings in order to show their way of Mathematics.
One of the most important questions for people is determining how the problem solving process is running. The general belief for mathematics is “too difficult” to understand. But on the other side, we all have to use the mathematics to survive our lives. When we are shopping, cooking, organizing our daily time schedule... These are some of the basic rutines for a human. The other side of the picture shows that we have responsibilities to our families, to the society and to each other. For example, we have to think about our children future and make some organization for their future. Why don't we use mathematics to see the future better? Surely, we use it automatically. But we don't use it effectively. So, this causes the unsolving problems for the future. Critical and analytical thinking is the key point at that moment which is an important fact to be succeeded. Life is full of problems for everyone and every society. The only clever method is finding solutions together with analytical thinking and trying to do something with using creativity.
Our aim is with this project, to bring young people together with using the mathematical methods, games and applications to develop creativity and artistic skills of the participants, as well as promoting outdoor activities, sport and active lifestyle. It combines fun and attractive learning, development of new skills and connection between the other diciplines and mathematics. We will sometimes use mathematics in music, art, sport and drama. We focus on bringing people together and enable the cultural exchange with the help of mathematics. This will also help the young people to improve their analytical thinking and self-expression. They will see how fun mathematic is and decrease the fear of maths with all these kind of activities and come together without any borders. This project aims to be an example to emphasis the connection between formal and non-formal education. The methods can be also used for children after the project. Let’s have fun together with mathematics...
Click infopack and daily programme for further details about the project.
Join also our acebook group of Mathematics for All !!! for the videos and photos.
The Beauty of Maths in Art
Mathematics has directly influenced art with conceptual tools such as linear perspective, the analysis of symmetry and mathematical objects. Open the link in order to see the presentation slides of Mathematics for All!!! in the art conference in Vienna.
We would like to thank all our participants and supporters before, during and after the project ends. See you in our next project!!!