Kevser AktaÅŸ

I am working as an Associate Professor at Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. I completed my PhD. in number theory, Mathematics. I completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at Queen's University, Canada, under the supervision of Prof. M. Ram Murty. I am currently studying Neuroscience and Education at University of Bristol as a Chevening Fellow. My reserch interests are not only limited to algebraic and analytic number theory but also learning maths, neurobiological and neurocognitive development in the brain.

Heidelberg Laureate Forum
September 2016, Heidelberg

InSEA Regional Conference (D'Art) ,
September 2016, Vienna

Women in Numbers-Europe -2
September 2016, Leiden
My first research at Queen's University is related with squarefull numbers. An integer is called squarefull (or powerful) if in its prime factorization, each prime factor has exponents greater than 1. Click here to find the details about this research.

PechaKucha 20x20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images. I prepared a version of my research in pecha kucha style. Open the link down below to learn more about pecha kucha and "read more" about my own pecha kucha style math research...